Ever wonder how you can start your day better and with less stress?
Less stress in the morning will ultimately make for a better day.

Here’s a few simple things you can do to get you and your children off to the right start every morning.


1. Don’t hit snooze. Do you really think the extra 5 or 10 minutes will give you the extra few winks and more energy? How about getting up and using those 5 or 10 minutes more productively. Don’t shorten your busy morning and add stress by hitting snooze.
2. Get prepared the night before you crawl in bed. Whether it’s getting your things ready for the morning or making sure the kids have everything organized and ready to go for their day at school. Have you ever been running around looking for a missing shoe, missing glove, or a coat? I definitely have and that doesn’t start the day off very pleasant for anyone as we rush around looking for the one missing shoe that seems to have vanished.
3. Look at the weather the night before so you are prepared with the right gear for the weather. Don’t be caught running around grabbing coats, rain boots, raincoats, or even a snow scrapper.

Wake up with a smile and positive attitude and everyone around you will follow suite.

What a fantastic day each and everyday will be!

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